Vidyuth Chikoti :(@followvidyuth)
After watching Satya, my fascination for RGV went to a feverish pitch.
This was the film that made me realize that a film can be based upon a keen observation or a psychological study of people’s characters and a thought or idea placed in a realistic milieu rather than a typical format of story we know through regular Indian cinema.
If put simply Satya is a film born out of the understanding that gangsters are regular folks like you and me and Gangsters too fall in love, have nagging wives, have friends, parties, sorrow and laughter.
As with any great film, Satya too has many facets to it, the obvious being it is a realistic underworld saga, but other than that it’s also a love story, its also a commentary on the lives we lead in modern cities where you may have a neighbor for decades but you have no clue who they are, it also show cases the difference between a Gangster and a politician, a Gangster may be gutsy but a politician is a fox combing guts with a cunning mind.
Above all it has given Indian cinema one of the best talents, Anurag Kashyap, ManojBajpayee, Apurva Ansari and introduced SandeepChowtha to Hindi cinema.
This ending line credit by RGV sums up the conflict i struggled with, about feeling sympathetic to a Gangster who is a cold blooded murderer. This is the genius of RGV, understanding the human emotions better than most.

20 Years of Satya