2024 is a disappointing year for several young and top Tollywood actors as they have delivered disasters. Victory Venkatesh took up action mode and the audience badly rejected his film Saindhav. Actors like Ravi Teja, Gopichand, Sharwanand, Varun Tej, Vijay Deverakonda, Nikhil, Ram, Sree Vishnu, Vishwak Sen and others delivered flops in this year. Ravi Teja, Gopichand, Varun Tej, Sree Vishnu and Sudheer Babu delivered two massive disasters. Vishwak Sen, Raj Tarun and Suhas had three disasters this year. Sai Durgha Tej, Vaishnav Tej, Nithiin, Akhil, Naga Chaitanya, Manchu Vishnu had no releases in 2024.
Here is the list of actors and their flops in 2024:
Venkatesh (Saindhav)
Ravi Teja (Eagle and Mr Bachchan)
Gopichand (Bheema and Viswam)
Sharwanand (Manamey)
Varun Tej (Operation Valentine and Matka)
Vijay Deverakonda (Family Star)
Allari Naresh (Aa Okkati Adakku)
Nikhil (Appudo Ippudo Eppudo)
Ram (Double iSmart)
Vishwak Sen (Gaami, Gangs of Godavari and Mechanic Rocky)
Sree Vishnu (Om Bheem Bush and Swag)
Suhas (Prasanna Vadanam, Janaka Aithe Ganaka and Gorre Puranam)
Nara Rohit (Prathinidhi 2)
Karthikeya (Bhaje Vaayu Vegam)
Anand Deverakonda (Gam Gam Ganesha)
Sudheer Babu (Harom Hara and Ma Nanna Super Hero)
Navdeep (Love Mouli)
Priyadarshi (Darling)
Raj Tarun (Purushothamudu, Tiragabadara Saami and Bhale Unnade)
Allu Sirish (Buddy)
Ashok Galla (Devaki Nandana Vasudeva)