Pan-Indian star Prabhas emerged as the highest paid actor of the nation and he has a heap of films lined up. He got injured and the December schedules of his films got disrupted. The actor is holidaying abroad and he will return back to Hyderabad soon. 2025 will be quite a busy year for Prabhas as he has a lot of deadlines. He will complete the shoot of Maruthi’s Raja Saab and four songs from the film are pending while the talkie part has been completed. He also completed two schedules of Hanu Raghavapudi’s Fauji. The December schedule was pushed and he will complete the major portions in the next couple of months.
Prabhas will have to allocate bulk dates for Sandeep Reddy Vanga’s Spirit. Prabhas will dedicate most of the time this year for the film. He plays a powerful cop and Sandeep Reddy wanted bulk dates for the project. Prabhas will also allocate dates for Fauji which also needs ample number of call sheets of the actor. Apart from these, two other projects are in discussion stages and he will announce them soon. 2025 is said to be the busiest year for Prabhas when compared to the previous years. He will not have major breaks as he has to complete the shoots to meet the deadlines.