There is no doubt the Jana Sena Party has got a far higher voter base than the BJP in Andhra Pradesh. The JSP got over 6 percent vote share in 2019 elections as against less than 1 percent of the BJP. Probably, this is the confidence with which Senani is hopeful of convincing the BJP to give the Tirupati bypoll ticket to the Jana Sena.
But, there are three strong issues that the Power Star failed to see through the power-hungry and expansionist BJP leadership in Delhi. Firstly, it is well known how the BJP leaders were repeatedly asserting that their party would win the AP polls in 2024 considering the weaknesses and dwindling fortunes of both Jagan Reddy and Chandrababu Naidu. Under such circumstances, the BJP cannot make such statements any longer if it gives the ticket to Pawan’s party.
Secondly, the BJP confidence is Jagan’s 18 months rule has been very unpopular and he has got cases. There would be no better opportunity for the BJP to demonstrate its power to bounce back in AP than Tirupati bypoll.
Thirdly, it is the BJP’s top most priority now to ensure the defeat of the TDP under any circumstances. Even if the YCP wins the seat, it would not be a big loss for the BJP since it would mean the YCP only retained its seat. But any victory of the TDP would mean a big boost to the Chandrababu leadership. That would eventually lead to the TDP emerging as a strong contender for power in 2024. By all counts, it is highly unlikely the BJP would give Tirupati ticket to Pawan’s party.
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