Actor Sachin Joshi has been trying to make a massive impact in Tollywood along with Bollywood but unfortunately none of his movies impressed the audience. Without taking his failures, he is desperately working for success. The actor is said to have acquired the lavish Kingfisher Villa in Goa owned by liquor baron Vijay Mallya. After Mallya has been absconding from the country, his properties have been auctioned by the banks for which he owes Rs 9000 crores.
Sachin acquired the property through a negotiated sale after the banks found no bidders at multiple auctions. Joshi acquired the beach side property for Rs 73 crores which is marginally higher than the last reserve price. State Bank of India took the possession of the property in May 2016 after which it has been auctioned several times. Kingfisher Villa is located in Candolim, Goa and is spread across 3 acres.