After a brief lull post Baahubali 2, Telugu films are back in business at the overseas box office. Last week’s release Ninnu Kori, which stars Nani and Nivedha Thomas in the lead roles, performed very well in its first weekend. The romantic entertainer blasted its way into the half million club in two days and ended the first weekend on a promising note with a $ 800K haul.
The impressive performances by the lead cast and the adequate technical values have helped the film register strong collections in all areas of its release. After taking a wonderful start with $ 384K on its first weekend ( including Thursday premiers), the film had a solid Saturday with $ 273K and a decent $144K on Sunday helped the film touch the $ 800K by the end of first weekend.
The film is expected to touch the break even mark by the end of this week.
#NinnuKori first weekend $801K [ few more to b reported ]. Superb
Nenu Local was $754K [ FullRun $1.07 M ]
— Telugu360 (@Telugu360) July 10, 2017