Talented Tamil actor Suriya has recently wrapped up the shooting for his upcoming film,which is titled 24 in the direction of Vikram Kumar. The movie is gearing up to hit the screens for Pongal 2016. In the meantime, the pre production work for his next film, Singam 3, the third part of his popular Singam series, is nearing completion. To be directed by Hari Gopalakrishnan, who directed the first two parts, the regular shooting will roll out from the first week of December.
The film will be shot in four different countries. Major part will be canned in India and the key portions will be shot in Australia. The climax scenes of film will be shot in France. Also, the makers are planning a couple of schedules in others parts of Europe as well. Anushka and Shruti Haasan will be the female leads for the film. Happening music composer Anirudh Ravichander will score the tunes for the film.