Case filed on Brand Babu movie that was released yesterday. Movie starring Sumanth Shailendra and Eesha Rebba in lead roles is written by Maruthi who has written for films like Bale Bale Mogadivoy, Prema Katha Chithram, and Mahanubhavudu. The movie is Directed by Prabhakar Podakandla.
A case has been registered ‘Brand Babu’ movie at Banjara Hills Police Station. A woman journalist complained about using her photo in the movie without her permission. According to the woman journalist complaint, makers had shown a photo of herself in the film and her photo was shown in a death scene. After her complaint, Banjara Hills police registered a case under Section 509 of the IPC on the makers of the movie.
Shailendra, who is an established face in Kannada films tried his luck in Tollywood through this movie. His father is a distributor is Kannada industry. Prabhakar also directed a film earlier in Telugu which bombed at box office. But he has good success rate in small screen. He is also testing his luck again. The film was released yesterday and got average reviews.