NTR biopic is easily one of the most awaited films of 2019. Ever since Balakrishna announced this prestigious biopic, it has been clearly maintained that the story will be devoid of controversies and will focus on the rise of NTR from a commoner to pinnacle in film industry and political spectrum.
While audience are inquisitive to know till what extent will Krish and Balakrishna showcase the life of NTR, it is learnt by Telugu360 from close sources that the inspiring story of the legendary actor will end with the death of his first wife Basavataram. Reportedly, the climax is going to be an emotional roller-coaster ride with scenes that are likely to be tear-jerking for hardcore fans of NTR.
As reported earlier, Basavataram role will be one of the major highlights for the film as the story will be narrated through her eyes. By choosing to end the story with her death, Krish has left no room to bring the controversial episodes of 89 elections and the part of Lakshmi Parvati’s episode.