BJP national spokesperson GVL Narasimha Rao and MLC Somu Veerraju used to step in and do damage control whenever Jagan Circar fell in a crisis. Now, they are no longer seen defending or rescuing the ruling YCP from increasing attacks by the TDP, Jagan Sena and also anti-Jagan leaders within YCP. GVL is especially maintaining an enigmatic silence ever since Jagan Reddy necked out Ex Chief Secretary LV Subrahmanyam.
The last one week showed Jagan’s political fortunes hitting an all-time low at the national level. The critics of Jagan Reddy are getting greater audience in Delhi. One by one, the Modi government’s decisions are also coming out totally against the YCP government’s policies. Modi’s greetings to YCP MP Raghurama Krishnam Raju are a final blow.
As of now, no BJP AP leader is daring to speak in favour of the YCP. Even Somu Veerraju is questioning the policies of Jagan Reddy Circar these days. Ex Chief Secretary and BJP leader IYR Krishna Rao has already raised a banner of revolt against CM whom he once praised day in and day out. Undoubtedly, Jagan has become completely isolated with no allies in other parties. Probably because of this, CM is reassuring his party men that he would stand firm to protect his party despite all rivals join together.