Young actor Sudheer Babu is celebrating his birthday today. A brand new poster of the actor from V in a ripped look is released and Sudheer Babu’s stunning look received decent response. Nani and Sudheer Babu are the lead actors in V which is directed by Mohan Krishna Indraganti. There are several speculations about the film’s digital release instead of a theatrical release. Several quotes are speculated but the makers trashed them as rumors.
Sudheer Babu issued a clarification about the OTT release of V. He said that they received numerous offers for the digital release of the film. “At one point of time, we wanted to release half of the film across the digital platform and wanted the audience to rush to theatres to watch the complete film. But we did not take the call. V will have a theatrical release soon. We are extremely confident about the product” said Sudheer Babu. Aditi Rao Hydari and Nivetha Thomas are the producers. Dil Raju’s Sri Venkateswara Creations produced V.