SS Rajamouli was all excited after the Telangana government granted permissions for the film shoots. He wanted to resume the shoot of RRR with a limited crew by following all the social distancing guidelines that are issued. He soon came to the conclusion that it is not possible to resume the shoot for RRR anytime soon. Shooting with a limited crew is quite tough but Rajamouli has many more challenges.
There are several foreign actors and Rajamouli is not ready to replace them as he will not get the right actors for the roles. He even completed a couple of schedules with some of the foreign actors already. Alia Bhatt is yet to take a call on RRR and she kept her decision pending. Even if she is ready to join the sets, Alia Bhatt cannot allocate bulk dates because of her current commitments. In this case, the shoot of the film will not complete as per the plan and it will be delayed.
Rajamouli also completed the action episodes and most of the talkie part on NTR, Ram Charan. The combination scenes are to be shot now and this needs all the major cast present. The VFX work is assigned to several international studios and the film also has enough shots of animation. These works are delayed already. Several foreign technicians are struck in their countries and the team of RRR is not sure about when they would return back to the sets.
Rajamouli came to the conclusion that things would not be favorable for RRR anytime soon and he decided to start the shoot only after the vaccination for coronavirus arrives. He slipped into relaxing mode and he will start the shoot early next year. RRR releasing in 2021 is completely unlikely. The film will hit the screens during the first half of 2022. Sankranthi or summer are the dates considered for the release.