Natural Star Nani completed the shoots of Tuck Jagadish and Shyam Singha Roy and they will hit the screens soon. The actor is busy with Ante Sundaraniki and the shoot will be completed in three months. Nani gave his nod for a Telangana-based love story in the direction of debutant Srikanth. Nani will be seen as a youngster who will speak in the Telangana dialect in this romantic entertainer. For the film, Nani hired a tutor and is taking up lessons to speak in the Telangana dialect. The shoot of the film starts early next year as per the update.
Srikanth, a protege of Sukumar penned a rustic romantic entertainer and impressed Nani. Sudhakar Cherukuri of SLV Cinemas will produce this project and the film will have its release during the second half of next year. The heroine and other actors for the film are finalized for now.