India’s Superstar and legendary actor Shri Amitabh Bachchan planted saplings along with Rajya Sabha MP and Founder of Green India Challenge, Shri Joginipally Santosh Kumar, at Ramoji Film city, here on July 27. The Padma Vibhushan awardee lauded the efforts of Green India Challenge in expanding the green cover across Telangana and the country.
Amitabh Bachchan enquired keenly about the Green India Challenge, on what inspired to take up this initiative, how plants are cared, tended even after years of plantation and expressed his happiness at the results. “I am surprised to know that GIC is able to plant 3 crore saplings recently on the occasion of Minister for Municipal Administration & Urban Development, Industries & Commerce, and Information Technology of Telangana, KTR’s birthday. It was certainly a mammoth task, and I am in awe of their dedication and commitment towards the environment,” he said.
The Superstar also congratulated GIC for entering into Guinness Book of World Records with a massive plantation of 2 crore seed balls within an hour. Talking to media he said, “I have always been aware of Green India Challenge but taking part in this is a great privilege. I wish very best to Shri Joginipally Santosh Kumar in taking this great work forward.”
Incidentally, July 27 is also the death anniversary of India’s greatest scientist and former President Shri APJ Abdul Kalam and on many occasions, Shri Joginipally Santosh Kumar mentioned how he inspired him to take up this challenge and do his bit for the environment.
Shri Amitabh Bachchan opined that a noble and great initiative like Green India Challenge requires great participation from across the world and said that he would challenge 3 more people to take part in the same from his twitter handle.
Telugu superstar Nagarjuna too took part in the programme and planted a sapling along with Producer Shri Ashwini Dutt, Ramoji Film City MD Vijayeeswari.
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