The pre-release event of Naga Chaitanya and Sai Pallavi starter Love Story took place last night in Hyderabad. Megastar Chiranjeevi and Bollywood Superstar Aamir Khan attended the pre-release event as a special guest. Top distributors Asian Cinemas are venturing into production with this film through Sree Venkateswara Cinemas LLP. “I came here for Naga Chaitanya, the son of my friend Nagarjuna. He has been quite consistent in picking up projects. I wish Love Story all the best. I am also waiting for Laal Singh Chaddha. My friend Aamir Khan promised me to screen the film in Hyderabad soon” told Chiranjeevi.
“I am talking about a serious issue. The success rate in film industry is very low and 20 percent is the maximum. The film industry has a lot of people who are struggling on a regular basis for their living. The film industry is not about the top actors and it is the hard work of lakhs of workers. We have seen the struggle of daily wage workers and we donated for them during this pandemic season. Telugu film industry is the first to respond to any natural calamity or struggle. The film industry now fell into a crisis and the cost of making increased. Taking this stage, I am requesting the governments of AP and Telangana to respond and accept our requests. I also request them to find possible solutions to bring back the glory of Telugu cinema. This request is for our need. Several filmmakers are left puzzled about the release considering the current conditions” told Chiranjeevi.