Varun Tej Konidela is working on a Hindi-Telugu bilingual film Operation Valentine which marks the directorial debut of popular ad filmmaker Shakti Pratap Singh Hada. Manushi Chhillar plays the leading lady. The makers came up with a teaser of the movie.
The teaser is meant to show the situations that forced the Indian Army to take the decision to conduct airstrikes on Pakistan. The teaser has some powerful dialogues, and Varun Tej’s Gandhi and Subhash Chandra Bose’s dialogue makes a strong impact.
The teaser strikes hard with an intriguing narrative and breathtaking visuals. Varun Tej appeared to be in shape for the character of an IAF officer. His powerful screen presence is one of the most appealing aspects. Besides action, the teaser also shows the romantic track of Varun and Manushi Chhillar.
The movie produced jointly by Sony Pictures International Productions and Renaissance Pictures is scheduled for release on February 16th.