According to IMDB, Tripti Dimri has become the Most Popular Indian star of 2024, ahead of Deepika Padukone and Alia Bhatt. The actress, who gained national fame after the release of Animal, appeared in several films this year. These include Bad Newz and Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3. Her film Laila Manju also released again this year and was a big hit at the box office. Deepika Padukone is in second place. The actress had an unforgettable year. She not only made her debut as Lady Singham in Singham Again, but also appeared in Kalki 2898. She also acted in the film which marked her debut in the Telugu film industry. She also gave birth to a daughter Dua Padukone Singh with Ranveer Singh. Third place went to Ishaan Khatter, who starred in the Netflix series The Perfect Couple. His performance was highly appreciated, and the actor gained international fame.
Shah Rukh Khan and Sobhita Dhulipala finished fourth and fifth respectively. Although Shah Rukh hasn’t released a single film this year, he has been making headlines for several public appearances, including hosting the IIFA Awards this year. On the other hand, Sobhita Dhulipala made her Hollywood debut this year with the film Monkey Man. Interest on her peaked after Sobitha announced her wedding to Naga Chaitanya. Coincidentally, his ex-wife Samantha Ruth Prabhu ended up in eighth place. Here is the top ten Most Popular Indian Stars of 2024:
Triptii Dimri
Deepika Padukone
Ishaan Khatter
Shah Rukh Khan
Sobhita Dhulipala
Aishwarya Rai Bachchan
Samantha Ruth Prabhu
Alia Bhatt