Energetic Star Ram tested his luck with mass entertainers but all his recent films fell short of expectations though his performance was appreciated. The actor is playing the lead role in Mahesh Babu P’s directorial which is yet to be titled. The film was launched in a grand manner and the shooting formalities started today. The makers unveiled the look of Ram. The youngster plays Sagar and he looks fresh with a clean shave and curly hair. Ram sports a never seen look and he plays a simple guy in the film. He is said to be playing a college going youngster in this emotional entertainer.
Bhagyashri Borse is the leading lady in RAPO22. Mythri Movie Makers are the producers of this sensible entertainer. This untitled film is aimed for 2025 release. Tamil sensational music duo Vivek Siva and Mervin Solomon are on board to score the music. Ram will complete this film and will work with Mythri Movie Makers on one more project which will be announced early next year.