The new government of Telangana has been supporting the Telugu film industry and is offering special permissions for midnight and premiere shows. The government has also been granting price hikes for biggies and the same happened for Allu Arjun’s Pushpa 2: The Rule. A stampede took place in Sandhya theatre in RTC Crossroads during the 9.30 PM premiere show on Wednesday night. The cops could not control the situation as Allu Arjun was present for the premiere show. A woman died because of the stampede.
The government of Telangana has now decided to cancel all the special premieres and there would be no permissions granted for any benefit shows in the state in the future. Telangana Cinematography Minister Komatreddy Venkat Reddy announced the same today. There would be no premiere shows or midnight shows in the state in the future for any Telugu film.