In a shocking development at India’s Parliament, security officials have discovered a wad of currency notes at seat number 222 in the Rajya Sabha, the seat allocated to Congress MP Abhishek Manu Singhvi. The discovery was made during a routine anti-sabotage check following the House’s adjournment, prompting immediate action from Rajya Sabha Chairman and Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar.
Vice President Dhankhar quickly addressed the situation, confirming, “The matter has been brought to my notice, and I made sure an investigation takes place.” The incident has sparked intense political debate, with opposition members demanding explanations from the Congress party.
BJP MP Dr. Sudhanshu Trivedi launched an attack on the Congress party following the discovery. “Congress leaders have so much money that they don’t even bother to take account of the money which is left on the bench in Parliament,” Trivedi stated. He further emphasized the suspicious nature of the incident, noting that no leader had come forward to claim the money, raising serious questions about its source and ownership.
The revelation becomes particularly significant as it involves Abhishek Manu Singhvi, a prominent Congress leader and senior advocate who has previously faced public scrutiny in other matters. The security breach has raised serious concerns about the handling of unauthorized items within the Parliament premises.
The Congress party’s silence on the matter has further fueled speculation and controversy. BJP leaders have demanded a thorough investigation into the source of the money, with Dr. Trivedi suggesting that “this incident should be investigated, and Congress, which used to question everything, is today refusing to give an account of the case recovered from parliament.”
As the investigation continues under Vice President Dhankhar’s direct oversight, the incident has highlighted concerns about security protocols in Parliament and raised questions about transparency in legislative proceedings.