The Adani issue rocked Telangana Assembly on Monday, as BRS MLAs tried to enter the House with shirts flaunting the picture of CM Revanth Reddy and billionaire businessman Gautam Adani together. While BRS MLAs led by KT Rama Rao tried to enter Assembly, Police obstructed them at the entrance itself and took them into custody.
As KTR and other BRS MLAs made efforts to enter Assembly, inspite of Police resistance, tense situation prevailed in the Assembly premises. With BRS MLAs taken into custody, Assembly session continued without their presence.
With BRS MLAs deciding to disrupt the proceedings on the very first day of Assembly session, it appears that Adani issue is all set to rock Telangana Assembly in the coming days.
Already Telangana had beared the brunt of Adani Group’s US indictment. CM Revanth Reddy had rejected the Rs 100 Cr donation given by Adani Group towards setting up of his ambitious Young India Skills University.
Though Telangana Government did not have any connection with Adani indictment in US, CM Revanth Reddy took the decision to return back the donation made by Group, as Opposition had been using it to malign Congress Govt’s image.
Especially KTR has been aggressively attacking CM Revanth Reddy, questioning how a Congress CM is so close to Gautam Adani, when LOP Rahul Gandhi is vehemently campaigning against Gautam Adani.