Superstar Rajinikanth has been on a break from the past three months because of ill health. The actor recovered completely and he recently shot for the teaser of Jailer 2. The teaser will be out on his birthday this month. Rajinikanth returned back to the sets of Coolie after a long gap. The shoot of the film resumed in Jaipur today and Bollywood Superstar Aamir Khan joined the sets of the film. Some crucial scenes on Rajinikanth and Aamir Khan will be shot in this schedule. King Nagarjuna will be seen in one more powerful role and the episodes on Rajinikanth and Nagarjuna are shot in Vizag in the previous schedule.
Vikram sensation Lokesh Kanagaraj is the director of this pan-Indian attempt and Coolie is a film made on gold smuggling mafia. Upendra, Soubin Shahir, Shruti Haasan, Sathyaraj and Reba Monica John will be seen in other important roles. The makers are considering a summer 2025 release for the film in all the Indian languages. Sun Pictures are the producers and Anirudh is scoring the music for this big-budget attempt.