RRR is the biggest blockbuster of the country, directed by SS Rajamouli and featuring Ram Charan, NTR, Alia Bhatt and Ajay Devgn playing the prominent roles. The filmmakers have now announced a documentary titled ‘RRR: Behind And Beyond’ that will provide fans with an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at the making of the movie. The makers have released a captivating poster, showcasing director SS Rajamouli at the helm, and indicating that the documentary will reveal the story behind the film’s triumph. Fans are eagerly anticipating the release of this documentary, which is set to premiere this December. “The world saw the glory. Now witness the story! RRR: Behind & Beyond Documentary film coming this December #RRRBehindAndBeyond #RRRMovie” told the official statement from the makers.
There is no clarity about if the team of RRR is collaborating with any digital giant for the release of the documentary. More details about RRR: Behind and Beyond will be announced soon. SS Rajamouli is currently busy with the pre-production work of his upcoming movie that will have Superstar Mahesh Babu in the lead role. The film starts rolling next year and it is said to be a stylish action adventure.