In a shocking turn of events within one of Telugu cinema’s most prominent families, veteran actor Mohan Babu and his younger son Manchu Manoj are caught in a public dispute. The conflict has escalated to involve police complaints and allegations of threats from both sides. A huge high drama took place in the Jalpally residence of Mohan Babu where Manoj was restricted and not allowed to enter into the house. Manoj broke the gate and entered the premises.
Manchu Mohan Babu, who recently celebrated 50 years in Telugu cinema with over 500 films to his credit, filed a police complaint on December 9. The senior actor alleged that his son Manoj and daughter-in-law Mounika forcibly entered his residence and posed safety threats.
Manoj, however, tells a different story and claims that he was attacked by unknown persons connected to his father. Concerned for their safety, Manoj and his wife Mounika met with Telangana Intelligence Director General Shivadhar Reddy to request personal protection.
Sources suggest the conflict is from ongoing disagreements over family property and business matters. The situation has grown tense enough that both parties have filed police complaints against each other. Manoj filed a complaint at Pahadi Shareef Police Station about alleged attacks, while Mohan Babu submitted a letter to the Rachakonda Police Commissioner citing life threats.
Mohan Babu had an altercation with media representatives, including TV9 staff members, who were covering the incident. The confrontation resulted in TV9 reporter Ranjith sustaining injuries. The media personnel protested demanding an immediate arrest of Mohan Babu.
The Manchu family faces additional challenges with Manchu Vishnu’s high-budget Pan India film “Kannappa” reportedly struggling to find buyers in the market. The film struggled to generate buzz after the teaser was out. With no buyers for the film, Kannappa was pushed to next year. A huge stake is involved in the film.
After 50 years of establishing a strong reputation, the legacy of the Manchu Mohan Babu family is now troubled due to recent events. Mohan Babu is a renowned actor and he is in talks for some of the prestigious projects. With family controversy around, it would be tough for him to sign films.
Manoj is struggling badly in his career. He is busy with Bhairavam featuring Bellamkonda Sreenivas and Nara Rohit in the other lead roles. The film’s release is pushed to next year. He is the lead antagonist in Teja Sajja’s Mirai that is due for summer 2025 release. Now, Tollywood filmmakers might think to approach Manoj after he landed into family controversies.
Apart from these, the legacy of the Manchu family is at risk. Mohan Babu who remains to be one of the bigwigs of Telugu cinema is now struggling to balance his family disputes. The family has now turned out to be a joke across the Telugu states.