Superstar Rajinikanth has been unwell and he took a long break from work after the release of Vettaiyan. His next film Coolie has been slated for summer 2025 release but the plans are now pushed. As per the speculation from Tamil media, the team is aiming an Independence Day release this year. An official announcement will be made after the shoot gets wrapped up. The new schedule of Coolie commences in Thailand from January 13th and it will be wrapped up by the end of this month.
Coolie is an action thriller that discusses about gold smuggling mafia. Nagarjuna, Upendra, Soubin Shahir, Sathyaraj, Shruti Haasan, and Reba Monica John are the other lead actors in Coolie. Sun Pictures are the producers and Anirudh is scoring the music and background score for Coolie. The film directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj will head for a pan-Indian release this year.