There is a lot of confusion about the ticket prices and hikes, excessive shows for the upcoming Sankranthi biggies in Telangana after a series of incidents that took place post release of Pushpa 2: The Rule. Telangana CM Revanth Reddy made a strong statement that it is not possible to give price hikes and permissions for extra shows in the future. But, the government of Telangana has issued a GO for Game Changer. The prices for the 1 AM shows are rejected. But the government has granted permission to screen six shows on January 10th starting from 4 AM. The price hike is Rs 150 in multiplexes and Rs 100 in single screens.
From January 11th, there will be five shows with a Rs 100 price hike for multiplexes and Rs 50 for single screens. The permission is granted from January 11th to 19th. Game Changer is directed by Shankar and it has Ram Charan in the lead role. The film hits the screens on January 10th.