On 15th October 2024, a user from the X platform reached out to Andhra Pradesh’s Deputy Chief Minister, Pawan Kalyan, highlighting a serious issue faced by the Scheduled Caste (SC) community in Polaki Mandal, Narasannapeta constituency, Srikakulam district. The user explained that for decades, their community had been struggling without proper roads and a cremation shelter. During the rainy season, the cremation process became particularly difficult and distressing. The user mentioned that while the estimated cost for a cremation shelter was Rs. 5 lakh and for the road Rs. 2 lakh, no one had addressed their pleas despite repeated appeals to local leaders over the years. The message ended with an emotional request for help.
Deputy CM Pawan Kalyan’s office responded promptly, acknowledging the issue. They expressed understanding of the importance of ensuring dignity in performing last rites and assured the community that the matter would be taken up with the concerned department to find a solution.
Fast forward to 9th January 2025, the long-standing issue has finally been resolved. The construction of the cremation shelter has begun, bringing relief to the community. The X user expressed gratitude to Deputy CM Pawan Kalyan and his office for their commitment to addressing societal issues. They also thanked local TDP leaders for initiating the work and promised to provide updates until the project’s completion. The user concluded by thanking the Deputy CM and his team from the bottom of their hearts, calling it a perfect example of how political leaders and their staff should work together for the welfare of the people.