On Saturday morning, the Hyderabad-Vijayawada National Highway witnessed massive traffic jams as thousands of commuters began their journey to their hometowns to celebrate Sankranthi. The congestion stretched from Abdullapurmet to Kothagudem, causing significant delays for travelers.
The Pantangi Toll Plaza in Choutuppal became a major bottleneck, with long queues forming on both sides. To manage the rush, toll staff opened 10 booths for vehicles heading towards Andhra Pradesh and 6 gates for those traveling towards Hyderabad. Despite these measures, the sheer volume of vehicles led to slow-moving traffic.
Adding to the chaos, ongoing underpass construction at the Choutuppal junction worsened the traffic situation. The narrow lanes and ongoing work have made it difficult for vehicles to pass through smoothly, leading to further delays.
Authorities predict that the congestion will intensify later on Saturday and continue through Sunday as more people hit the road for Sankranthi. With the number of vehicles expected to rise from the usual 38,000 to over 70,000, the situation is likely to remain challenging.
To ease the pressure on the highway, the police have urged motorists to consider alternative routes. Travelers are advised to plan their journeys carefully and avoid peak hours if possible.
Long queues have become a common sight at key toll plazas like Pantangi, Keesara, and Chillakallu. The surge in vehicles has overwhelmed these checkpoints, leading to extended waiting times for commuters.