The Nampally court has granted actor Allu Arjun an exemption from appearing before the police every Sunday. Earlier this month, a woman was killed and her child was left in critical condition after a stampede occurred at the Sandhya Theatre in Hyderabad during a screening for Pushpa 2: The Rule. The chaos ensued when Arjun waved to fans from the sunroof of his car, and police claim his actions contributed to the mayhem, resulting in Revathi’s death and her son’s serious injuries. Officials also said Arjun’s team failed to take necessary actions to control the large crowd and potential danger.
Allu Arjun was arrested on December 13 and remanded to 14 days of judicial custody, but he was released the next day after securing interim bail from the Telangana High Court on a bond of Rs 50,000. The Pushpa actor recently paid his visit to meet Revathi’s son Sritej in a private hospital. The team of Pushpa 2: The Rule also donated Rs 2 crores for the family. On the work front, Allu Arjun is on a break from work.