Young actor Nithiin has delivered a series of flops in the recent years. The actor has Sriram Venu’s Thammudu and Venky Kudumula’s Robinhood lined up. Robinhood was announced for Sankranthi 2024 release and Thammudu is slated for Mahashivaratri release in February. With Robinhood missing the deadline and release date, Thammudu’s release is pushed. Nithiin is completely puzzled about the release of his upcoming releases. There are a lot of debates and discussions going on about the release of these films. For now, both his films are missing their dates. With a lot of films slated for Mahashivarathri release, there is no chance of Nithiin’s film releasing in February.
The actor has to push both his films and one among them may release during summer but there is no clarity on the release dates of these films for now. Nithiin wants Robinhood to release during summer and he may push the release of Thammudu post summer. Mythri Movie Makers and Sri Venkateswara Creations are discussing the possible release dates of the films. Nithiin is currently completing the shoot of Thammudu and it is expected to complete this month.