Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy stressed on the need for student politics, saying, weakening of student activism is leading to degrading values in politics. The dynamic CM made this observation, during the “Unika’ book release function.
Unika book is BJP senior leader Vidyasagar Rao’s autobiography. He has served as Union Minister and Governor in his illustrious career.
“Student politics are essential for value-based politics and progressive society. Because, if a politician comes from student politics, he will have an ideology and work for it. They will not change parties for power. But unfortunately, today many politicians have no background of student politics. As a result they neither have ideology nor committed to people’s service. They are just focused on getting some post someway or the other. They are more focused on posts than party or ideology,” said Revanth Reddy, expressing disappointment over the lack of ideological commitment in present day politics.
Revanth Reddy pointed out, how leaders like Jaipal Reddy, Keshava Rao and others rose from student politics. He also reminded how students and universities played a key role in Telangana agitation.
“When I came to power, leave about student politics, universities themselves were in very bad situation. There were not even VCs. So, we have immediately started efforts to strengthen universities,” explained Telangana CM.
CM Revanth Reddy underlined, if leaders like Vidyasagar Rao have led a corruption-free life, even after putting in more than four decades of service in politics, it was because of their background in student politics and ideological commitment.