Seasoned Telugu actor Victory Venkatesh had a forgettable outing with his 75th film ‘Saindhav’ which released exactly a year ago as a Sankranti gift. Despite having an intriguing storyline, the action saga tanked heavily and left no trace at the box office. It ended as one of the biggest debacles in Venky’s career and left him in huge embarrassment because it was supposed to be a memorable landmark in his career.
Cut to 2025, Venkatesh turned tables with his latest offering Sankranthiki Vasthunnam which is poised to emerge as an outright box office winner during the festival season. With a terrific start on first day in all territories, the family entertainer emerged as the biggest opener in Venky’s career. As per trade estimates, the Anil Ravipudi directional has collected more than 30 Crores share on its first day worldwide. This is a sensational feat considering the heavy competition from other biggies.
The advances for the next two days are mind-blowing and there is strong chance for the film to breach into the 100 Crore share club in a canter. The film is likely to emerge as biggest blockbuster for Victory Venkatesh and Anil Ravipudi. Venkatesh once again proved that entertainment is his strong suit and he is capable of pulling family audiences like no other hero in Tollywood. His comedy timing, non-stop fun, chartbuster songs and Ravipudi’s mass treatment helped the film garner positive word of mouth and set the tone for a phenomenal run at the box office.
After disappointing his fans with Saindhav, Venkatesh has now made amends with Sankranthiki Vasthunnam and clearly outperformed both Ram Charan and Balakrishna in this festival battle. He will take away with the ‘Sankranti’ hero tag for 2025, hands down.