In a surprising turn of events at the Kothakonda Veerabhadra Swamy Jatara, Minister Ponnam Prabhakar staged an unusual protest by sitting on the ground to express his dissatisfaction with the officials’ negligence. The incident, which took place during the grand festival, left everyone stunned. But what exactly happened, and why did the minister take such a step? Let’s dive into the details.
The Kothakonda Jatara, a grand festival celebrated during Sankranti, attracts thousands of devotees every year. This year, Minister Ponnam Prabhakar, who represents the Husnabad constituency, had given clear instructions to officials and police to ensure smooth arrangements for the devotees. However, things did not go as planned.
Despite the minister’s directives, there was a lack of coordination among the police, officials, and the organizing committee. Complaints poured in about the behavior of some police officers and the negligence of the Endowments Department officials. This mismanagement left devotees facing unnecessary difficulties.
When Telangana Minister Ponnam Prabhakar arrived at the festival to offer his prayers, he was visibly upset with the officials’ apathy. Instead of entering the sanctum sanctorum, he chose to offer his prayers from outside, expressing his frustration over the poor arrangements. He directed the officials to ensure that all devotees could have a smooth darshan (viewing of the deity) without any hassles.
Later, when he visited the accommodation facilities arranged for the event, the minister found them inadequate. Unable to contain his disappointment, he sat on the ground in protest. To everyone’s surprise, he even held a media briefing while kneeling, highlighting the issues faced by devotees and officials’ negligence.
The minister’s decision to sit on the ground and address the media in such a manner left everyone in shock. Despite requests from the police to get up, he continued his protest, emphasizing the need for better management and accountability. His actions drew attention to the mismanagement and lack of coordination among the authorities responsible for the festival.