Shankar’s recent offering Game Changer released on January 10th and the response has been quite poor. The rest of the Sankranthi releases Daaku Maharaaj and Sankranthiki Vastunnam are dominating the Tollywood box-office. Shankar has been criticized for his work and social media is filled with trolls. At this time, in an interview, Shankar said that he is disappointed with the output of Game Changer. He said that the final footage was five hours and he had to trim several impactful episodes as there is a runtime constraint. Shankar is badly trolled for his statement on Game Changer.
Except for the interval episode and the flashback episode, every part of the film is quite boring. Netizens are trolling Shankar again for delivering a half baked film and for issuing a statement that the impactful scenes are removed. It is the responsibility of the director to finalize the episodes and the flow of a film. There is no point of shooting a footage for five hours and removing crucial scenes from the film. Shankar should recheck himself about the statement. Game Changer has Ram Charan, Kiara Advani in the lead roles. Thaman scored the music and Dil Raju is the producer.