Critically acclaimed director Vetrimaaran has delivered back-to-back hits. He has been in talks to direct Suriya from a long time and the film is titled Vaadi Vaasal. There are a lot of speculations on the project after the team of Vetrimaaran announced working with Dhanush very soon. Now, the team of Vaadi Vaasal announced that the film is not delayed and it will hit the floors very soon. The makers released a picture of Vetrimaaran and Suriya today on the occasion along with the film’s producer Thanu.
Suriya has recently completed the shoot of his 44th film with Karthik Subbaraj and he has announced that he will work for his 45th film with RJ Balaji. The plans of Vaadi Vaasal started in 2020 and the project got delayed several times. Vaadi Vaasal is a film based on the traditional sport Jallikattu. Kalaippuli S Thanu will produce this sensational film planned on a big budget.