Agriculture Minister Tummala Nageshwar Rao expressed deep anguish over Nizamabad MP Dharmapuri Arvind’s comments. The senior leader, dashed off a letter to BJP MP Arvind, explaining how he has carried out himself in a dignified and selfless way, in his four-decade-long political journey.
The reason for tussle between Dharmapuri Arvind and Tummala Nageshwar is the formation of National Turmeric Board at Nizamabad. Taking credit for Board’s formation, Dharmapuri Arvind attacked Telangana Agriculture Minister Tummala Nageshwar Rao. Arvind used derogatory language against Tummala even calling him ‘silly’. Arvind also criticised Tummala for changing parties.
Pained by young MP’s comments, Tummala Nageshwar Rao expressed severe displeasure.
“I have not said anything wrong in case of National Turmeric Board. As Agriculture Minister I have written letters to Centre for Turmeric Board and explained the same. As a farmer myself, I have thanked PM Narendra Modi for setting up Turmeric Baord. Why is Arvind getting so restless and impatient?” questioned Tummala Nageshwara Rao.
“Arvind even used derogatory language against me and cast aspersions on me. He should known that I have served in Cabinets of Chandrababu Naidu, KCR and Revanth Reddy and never earned a negative remark. Almost all irrigation projects and roads in the state, have my contribution in them, as I sincerely handled Roads and Buildings, Irrigation Ministries. Arvind’s father and BJP seniors know may nature and contribution,” pointed out Tummala Nageshwar Rao.
Tummala Nageshwar Rao also stressed that he never changed parties for posts or MLA ticket, hitting back at Arvind’s allegations. Senior leader added that it was parties who sought his support and made him Minister.