Sankranthi 2025 opened with a bang. Ram Charan’s Game Changer, Balakrishna’s Daaku Maharaaj and Venkatesh’s Sankranthiki Vastunnam released across the globe. Game Changer has been rejected so badly that the film failed to register strong openings in the Telugu states. The film has been declared as a disaster. The film did not witness housefull boards on the core Sankranthi holiday. Balakrishna’s Daaku Maharaaj opened with a strong word of mouth and the film made good money. The film is running super strong in the allocated screens. Masses are rushing to watch the film.
Sankranthiki Vastunnam is the biggest surprise of the season. Sankranthiki Vastunnam opened on a super strong note and the screens were increased all over. The screens of Game Changer are replaced with Sankranthiki Vastunnam. The film reported housefulls all over and the family crowds are rushing to theatres to watch the film. Sankranthiki Vastunnam even dominated Daaku Maharaaj all over and there is a huge demand for tickets. The evening and night shows are getting sold out in advance. For Sankranthi, Sankranthiki Vastunnam and Daaku Maharaaj have emerged as super hits and all the parties will make good profits through these projects.