Nandamuri Balakrishna will soon resume the shoot of Akhanda 2 – Thaandavam and he is currently enjoying the success of Daaku Maharaaj. The veteran actor will be seen as Aghora in Akhanda 2 – Thaandavam and the film is directed by Boyapati Sreenu. The team is filming some crucial episodes in the Mahakumbh Mela in North India. The shoot concludes today and the episodes on the crowds and other actors are being filmed. A small schedule is planned to shoot the portions of Nandamuri Balakrishna in Mahakumbh Mela. As the event will take place for 45 days, the portions would be filmed after the footfalls will see a decline.
Balakrishna will be seen along with Aghoras and Naga Sadhus in the upcoming schedule. Tight security will be imposed and the makers have acquired all the permissions for the shoot in advance. The Centre and the government of UP has granted permission for the film considering the genre. A team of 20 members flew to Prayagraj to shoot the episodes. A massive budget has been allocated for the shoot of these crucial portions. The film is announced for Dasara 2025 release and it is produced by 14 Reels Plus.