BRS working president and former Minister KT Rama Rao is stuck in the web of cases and he is running from pillar to post in Formula E Racing cases. But these cases does not seem to suppress his energy and enthusiasm. A smart politico, known for making clever moves, KTR is leaving no stone unturned to turn Formula E Racing cases to his advantage.
Though KTR did not get any relief in Courts in Formula E Racing case, he is not showing any disappointment or fear. He is valiantly taking on ruling Congress, trying to present ACB case on him as vendetta politics by Revanth Reddy.
There is no doubt that BRS and Congress cadres are clear about their stance in Formula E Racing case. While BRS cadres see at as threatening tactic by Revanth Sarkar to suppress KTR’s voice, Congress cadres are eagerly waiting for KTR’s arrest.
However neutral observers are divided in this matter. It is these neutral segment of public, KTR is trying to win over, using Formula E Racing cases.
KTR has been unequivocally stating that Revanth Reddy Government is trying to arrest him only to divert attention from Congress Government’s failures. He has also been raising point, ‘how come bringing Formula E Race to Hyderabad, to spruce up city’s image a crime?’
Even before attending ED inquiry on Thursday, KT Rama Rao called his decision to bring Formula E Racing to Hyderabad as the most cherished one. He expressed pride for putting Hyderabad on international sporting stage and stressed that ‘Brand Hyderabad is paramount to him.
While KTR was posting this tweet, his supporters started gathering at ED office, Basheerbagh to protest, alleging that their leader was being hounded by investigating agencies, for raising people’s issues. Even BRS leaders across the state have been competing with each other to defend KTR and using the opportunity to prove their loyalty to their young boss.
Even if KTR gets arrested, it is expected to only boost his image further among BRS cadre and help in galvanizing his supporters. This will also help him in boosting his leadership surpassing Harish Rao in the party. With Revanth Reddy Government yet to fulfil its poll promises and struggling to get a strong hold on Telangana, KTR is leaving no stone unturned to turn Formula E Racing cases to his advantage.