Tamil Superstar Ajith’s next film Vidaamuyarchi was initially slated for Sankranthi release but it was pushed. The film directed by Magizh Thirumeni is now slated for February 6th release across the globe. The makers unveiled the trailer and it is packed with stylish and heavy action shot across some of the beautiful locations of Azerbaijan. Ajith steals the show and the film has a balanced drama along with high voltage action. The visuals and the production values will stand out. The trailer has few dialogues and Anirudh’s background score dominates the show.
Trisha, Arjun, Arav and Regina Cassandra will be seen in other prominent roles in the film. There are strong rumors that the film is inspired from a 1997 Hollywood film Breakdown. The visuals remind us of a Hollywood film. Ajith has performed some racy stunts in his car in the film. Lyca Productions have spent lavishly on the film. The film will also have a Telugu release as Pattudala. Ajith is also shooting for Good Bad Ugly and the film may release during summer. Mythri Movie Makers are the producers of this interesting attempt.