Ram Charan’s recent pan-Indian attempt Game Changer released during Sankranthi. Leaving everyone in shock, the HD copy of the film was leaked online on day one. The producers approached Cyber Crime and filed several complaints about the piracy and the hatred on social media. The next shock is the film was telecasted on several local channels in Telugu states and the videos got widely circulated. Game Changer was telecasted on Local TV in Kakinada.
Gajuwaka Police and Crime Clues Team cops arrested AP Local TV Staff Appalaraju and seized all the equipment. A video for the same has been released after the arrest. An FIR has been registered against the Local TV authorities. More arrests are expected in this case. Game Changer is a political drama packed with action and is directed by Shankar. Ram Charan and Kiara Advani played the lead roles and Dil Raju is the producer.