Sankranthi holiday season has brought a small pause for the film shoots in Tollywood. With the holidays coming to an end, several film shoots are getting back to track. The new schedule of Prabhas’ upcoming movie Raja Saab will start from January 21st in Hyderabad. A massive set is being constructed in Shamshabad and the shoot resumes in the new set. The entire talkie part of the film will be completed with this schedule and four songs would be left pending for shoot. Maruthi is the director and Malavika Mohanan and Niddhi Agerwal are the heroines.
Siddhu Jonnalagadda is back to work with his new film Telusu Kadaa and the shoot is happening in a set in Shankarpally. Neeraja Kona is the director and the major cast is participating in the shoot. Rashi Khanna and Srinidhi Shetty are the heroines. The film may release during summer this year. The new schedule of Balakrishna’s upcoming movie Akhanda 2 will start next week and the arrangements are being made in Ramoji Film City, Hyderabad. A high voltage action episode will be shot in the next schedule and the film is directed by Boyapati Sreenu.
The shoot of Pawan Kalyan’s upcoming release Hari Hara Veera Mallu is happening in Shamshabad and some crucial scenes of Bobby Deol are shot in this schedule. 25 more days of shoot is left and the team announced that Hari Hara Veera Mallu will release on March 28th.
Several other films that got a Sankranthi pause will resume shoot next week.