The Mumbai Police suspect that the intruder who attacked actor Saif Ali Khan may have also observed the home of another Bollywood star, Shah Rukh Khan, before the assault. Authorities are investigating the connection between the two incidents and believe the attacker may have scouted Shah Rukh Khan’s residence, Mannat, earlier this week. Saif Ali Khan was stabbed six times at his home in Bandra, Mumbai, resulting in serious injuries that required surgery. Fortunately, Saif is now recovering. After the attack on Saif, the police found suspicious activity near Shah Rukh Khan’s home, Mannat, on January 14, where a person was seen trying to observe the house using a long iron ladder placed at the rear side of the property.
The police believe the same person may have been involved in the incidents at Saif Ali Khan’s and Shah Rukh Khan’s homes, based on CCTV footage showing a person matching the suspect’s description near Saif’s apartment. The heavy iron ladder used suggests there may have been more than one person involved. Despite no official complaint from Shah Rukh Khan, the police are investigating the matter seriously. They are also looking into the possibility that the ladder was stolen, which could provide clues about the attackers’ motives and methods. Additionally, a suspect has been detained in connection with the attack on Saif, but the main perpetrator has not yet been arrested. The authorities are exerting great effort to locate the intruder. They have assembled 35 specialized teams to assist in the search.