Daakumaharaj actress Urvashi Rautela has found herself in hot water after making insensitive remarks about actor Saif Ali Khan, who recently survived a stabbing attack. Her comments, made during an interview, drew widespread criticism on social media, prompting her to issue a public apology.
During an interview, Urvashi was asked about her thoughts on the recent attack on Saif Ali Khan. Instead of expressing concern or sympathy, she diverted the conversation to her own success, mentioning the box office performance of her film Daaku Maharaj and showing off expensive gifts she received from her parents, including a diamond ring and a Rolex watch.
Her response, which seemed tone-deaf and self-centered, quickly went viral, with netizens slamming her for being insensitive during such a serious situation. Facing backlash, Urvashi took to social media to apologize to Saif Ali Khan and his fans. In her post, she expressed regret for her behavior and clarified that she was unaware of the severity of the attack at the time of the interview.
She wrote, “Sir Saif, I hope this message reaches you. I deeply regret my behavior and the way I spoke during the interview. I sincerely apologize to you. At the time, I was unaware of the gravity of the attack you faced. I was caught up in celebrating the success of Daaku Maharaj and spoke about the gifts I received. I am ashamed of my actions and hope you can forgive me. After learning about the attack, I was deeply saddened. Your courage in such a situation is truly commendable, and my respect for you has grown immensely.”*
While some appreciated Urvashi’s apology, others felt it was too little, too late. Many criticized her for prioritizing her film’s success and personal achievements over a colleague’s well-being.