Actor Manchu Manoj visited the Ranga Reddy District Collector, which is significant given the ongoing disputes involving the Mohan Babu family. Manoj reportedly discussed several recent issues during the meeting with the Collector. Previously, Mohan Babu had approached a magistrate, requesting action to remove individuals allegedly occupying his property in Jalpally. Mohan Babu claimed that his residence had been encroached upon and that he had been staying in Tirupati for some time. Following this, the Collector issued notices to Manchu Manoj, who was reportedly residing at the disputed property.
Manoj’s meeting with the Collector is believed to be an effort to provide clarification regarding the situation. Speaking to the media Manoj called his father innocent and it was Manchu Vishnu who is behind the moves of his father. He said that he called them for a one to one discussion but it never happened. Seems like there are no efforts made to resolve the issue.