Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan faced a brutal attack by an unidentified robber in his residence and he suffered six stab wounds. He is out of danger and is recovering well. After 70 hours after the attack, the culprit identified as Mohammad Shariful Islam Shahzad and the Bandra court has sent him to police custody. The Mumbai cops will recreate the crime scene in the residence of Saif Ali Khan with Mohammad Shariful Islam Shahzad today. The culprit was identified as a Bangladeshi citizen who is staying illegally in India. It was not an easy task to catch Mohammad Shariful Islam Shahzad and the cops had to sweat out hard.
After verifying thousands of CCTV cameras in the city, the cops had a hint of Mohammad Shariful Islam Shahzad. The cops got a tip about Shahzad near a shop in Worli and they managed to reach the shop owner. Based on the UPI payment made, the cops caught Shahzad and they did not find any Indian documents on his name. During the investigation, Shahzad revealed that he had entered India illegally and he was not aware that he stabbed a Bollywood actor. After watching the news on tv, Shahzad was hiding in a labour camp that was constructed for workers. Shahzad was taken into custody from Thane district. Shahzad has been left with no work for the past few months and he chose to rob a house to survive for himself.
Shahzad has been residing in a rented apartment in Worli region for the past few months along with his friends and he worked for a housekeeping agency.