Prabhas’ pan-Indian film Kalki 2898 AD released in June last year and the film emerged as a massive hit. Nag Ashwin has started working on the script of the sequel from the past few months. He will work on the script for some more months and the shoot of the sequel will commence from June this year. The film’s producer C Ashwini Dutt has revealed the news. Nag Ashwin will kick-start the pre-production work and Prabhas has allocated dates for the film from June. Nag Ashwin is also acquiring the dates of Amitabh Bachchan, Kamal Haasan, Deepika Padukone and others. The film will be in making for over a year.
Kalki 2898 AD sequel will have its release during the early months of 2027. Nag Ashwin will need ample time for the post-production work. Massive sets are being erected for the shoot of the film. The makers will spend big for the film as most of the film will happen in sets. Kamal Haasan is the leading antagonist in Kalki 2898 AD sequel. Vyjayanthi Movies are the producers and Santosh Narayanan is the music composer.