Young actor Vijay Deverakonda has been struggling to deliver a solid hit and all his recent offerings fell short of expectations and ended up as disasters. He faced a lot of criticism with Family Star and he is focused on his next film tentatively titled VD12. Gowtam Tinnanuri is the director of this high voltage action entertainer. Vijay Deverakonda plays the role of a powerful cop in the film. The team is considering a May 30th release for the film. An official announcement will be made soon. The shooting portions of the film reached the final stages.
A major portion of the action episodes are shot in Sri Lanka and VD12 is the most expensive film in the career of Vijay Deverakonda. Bhagyashri Borse is the leading lady and Rukmini Vasanth will be seen in an important role. Anirudh Ravichander is the music composer and Sithara Entertainments are the producers. Vijay Deverakonda will be seen in a never seen new look in this high voltage actioner. The film will release in two parts.