Sankranthiki Vastunnam featuring Venkatesh and directed by Anil Ravipudi emerged as a clear winner for Sankranthi this year. The film surpassed and dominated biggies like Game Changer and Daaku Maharaaj. The family crowds flocked to the theatres in large numbers and the film minted massive money. The film’s producer Dil Raju is expected to make the highest profits in his career. Some of the industry insiders are quite puzzled why Sankranthiki Vastunnam performed so well. The real reason is that every Tollywood actor has bigger plans and is picking up over the top scripts. They are focused on pan-Indian image and are experimenting with larger than life films. 2024 was a bland year for the family crowds. Though there are successful films, none of them impressed the family audience completely.
Frankly saying, no proper family entertainer released in the past two years. No director has delivered a realistic film that happened around us. Sankranthiki Vastunnam offered a full meals for the family crowds. Nani has done impressive family entertainers like MCA, Nenu Local, Ninnu Kori and others. He too is focused on serious films like Dasara, Saripodhaa Sanivaaram and others. He hasn’t delivered a perfect family entertainer in the recent years like he did quite frequently in the past. Venkatesh and family emotion is a deadly combo. Anil Ravipudi has delivered it perfectly in his own style utilizing the complete strength of Venkatesh. The entertainment was sensible and it offered a perfect treat. Releasing the film during the holiday season helped the film big time.
The film proved that the audience do not need pan-Indian films. They just need films that are worth their ticket price. Sankranthiki Vastunnam is the best example for it and the family entertainer is an eye opener for Telugu filmmakers in many ways.