Megastar Chiranjeevi has chosen a socio fantasy film titled Vishwambara after years. The film was a prestigious one and the shoot of the film is in the last leg. Vassistha is the director and the film has several renowned actors playing important roles. UV Creations are the producers and the film was initially slated for Sankranthi release. With the arrival of Game Changer, the movie release is pushed. There are strong speculations that Vishwambara will hit the screen in the mid of summer but there is no update from the team. The summer chart of releases is getting full with a lot of films. The makers of Vishwambara are yet to make an announcement.
The biggest hurdle for Vishwambara is the digital rights. The makers are quoting big prices for the digital rights and the giants like Amazon and Netflix are not ready to spend that huge amount to acquire the digital rights of the film. The producer’s quote is huge and the OTT players are not even ready to offer one third of the quote made by the producer. Netflix offered a minimal price but UV Creations was not interested. Now the summer chart and the budgets of the digital players is full and no digital player is ready to buy the rights of Vishwambara. The summer release of Vishwambara is almost impossible for now.
The teaser too received mixed response from the audience. UV Creations has to sell off the non-theatrical rights to recover the major investment and clear the finances before the theatrical release. For now, they are puzzled about the release.